Corner Lobengula Ave & Khama St, CBD, Francistown, Botswana

Transition FAQ

Frequently asked Questions

  1. Do our children’s siblings automatically get a place in the transition class?

No, all pupils have to be tested first before they enter JMS.

  1. Do the Transition pupils have sport in the afternoons?

No, their afternoon sport is from 12:30pm to 1pm.

  1. Can my child stay at school to wait for the older sibling to finish sports?

We like all the Transitions to be gone by 1pm every day. There is no supervision for them after 1pm.

  1. Can we take our child out of school for a few weeks holiday during the term?

We don’t recommend it as this is an important year for them and they will miss out on a lot of work.

  1. Can we bring a cake to school when it is our child’s birthday?

Of course you may, however we ask if you may drop it off at 9:00am.